
Have Full Control Of Your Account and Automate Your Bookings

We are excited to introduce our latest service offering to our clients: seamless account bookings. Gain complete control and transparency over trip expenses, while streamlining administrative tasks. Experience the benefits firsthand with our BookBusiness Solution – a true win-win for your organisation.

Have Full Control Of Your Business Account

User Management
Set up usernames and passwords
Department Management
Set up Admins for specific teams, offices/clinics or other segments to allow independent management. This is helpful if you are a large organisation
Travel Rules
Customise restrictions relating to travel times, trip distance, destinations, capped fare limits, and allowable tips
Bulk User CSV Import
Add an unlimited amount of users in one go
Trip Validation
Add additional permissions gateway if required
Allocation To Multiple-Cost Centers
Multiple invoicing options to allow trip costs to be allocated to specific departments/teams/budgets

Want To Know More?

Request your demo for the BookBusiness platform.
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